16 June, 2014

The last few months on the Mahoney front

I loved doing my 1st 5K with the bigs!
Helping Zoey finish strong in the 5K
So... here's what we have been doing from the end of March through May. I will save June for another time... 

March 31st-April 10th :
My green ninja (VBS performance)
We were in S. Africa for a company meeting.  It was a very busy time, but we loved getting to see and talk to many of our friends on this island and meeting new people from other nearby countries.  The kids had a blast participating in VBS while we were in class.  Also the bigs and I did our first 5K together.  We were so proud of them for finishing.

My blue avenger (VBS performance)

Zoey & Mommy pampering time in Jo-burg
April 17th-May 17th:
We moved back to the language city, Antsirabe.  We had very rocky beginnings, but God has brought us through.  About a week after we moved, Eli started back to school at his old French school.  Several children were very happy to have him back at the school (including his good friend) and Eli was very happy too!  Huge blessing and praise!  Added bonus...he gets to sleep in a little longer and has less homework at his new school. This makes his mommy happy too. :)
Eli and Madame Sandrine (his new teacher)
First day of school

May 18-25th:
The kids & I enjoyed some time with Jason and Adam on the beginning and end of their time here.  The kids had fun playing games with the guys and singing for them-- and the guys especially loved watching the Wiggles with the kids! ;)  Allie still tries to imitate a game that Jason taught the kids while he was here.

The girls enjoyed Adam
Adam was sad to say goodbye ;)

Adam paid the bigs to take a pic with him :)

Dragon game
Jason's response to Eli's stink

Fun times

Also while the team was gone, God blessed me with courage and boldness to get out and about through the town taking a pousse-pousse wherever I went and meeting many new people and becoming comfortable again with my surroundings.  This was the result of what God had been trying to teach me through a difficult time recently-- that I needed to not close myself in, but to get out and be with the Malagasy even when it was the opposite of what I wanted. 

May 31st:
Zoey and I enjoyed going to Rina's (our friend & guard) youngest sister's wedding.  It was our first Malagasy wedding and we even got to take the bride and groom to the church which was way out in the countryside (which meant that I did some off-roading!).  Zo (Rina's wife) informed me that it was Malagasy custom to honk the horn to announce the bride and groom, so of course I very gladly obliged (perhaps I enjoyed it a little too much). ;)  I was very happy to see Zoey enjoying some play time in a big pile of hay at the church and she even made a new friend.

Rina, Zo & Nambina with the bride & groom

Rina and Zoey

Zoey and her new friend
Zoey is really getting the hang of school and she is even teaching her mommy new things.  She enjoys learning French via Rosetta Stone, she is beginning to learn to read and she is getting better at her numbers and math.  And as always she can make a new friend anywhere.

Recent Alleluia stories:  One day last month when I put her down for a nap,
She is a "mess"!
she was not very happy to be in her bed.  So she proceeded to make a lot of noise.  First, she called , "DA-DDY" (in the loudest voice she could muster) multiple times for a few minutes.  But daddy didn't come.  So next, she called,
"MO-MMY" (also as loud as she could) for a few minutes.  But mommy didn't come.  Finally, in hopes of getting a better response, she called out, "JE-SUS! JE-SUS!"
On another occasion, I asked her, "What is your name?"  She responds very matter-of-factly, "Jesus." 

But always fun!
Ok, last story I promise...a few weeks ago, we met up with some missionary
Love her smile!
friends from another part of the island.  It was so great to catch up with them
and to have their kids play with our kids.  But for me, the highlight of our time was when Alleluia ordered our friend, Tim, to pray with her.  First they bowed their heads to pray, but that was not enough for Miss Allie, next we see her showing, no more like coercing, Tim how to prostrate himself flat on the ground to the "accurate" prayer position.  I wish I had been quick enough with the camera to catch that in a picture (oh, and just for the record she does not practice the same form that she was showing Tim that day--LOL).
Shortly after we moved, God answered a prayer that I didn't think I had even voiced, but probably some of you were praying it.  A few days after we got here, we heard a ring at our doorbell and there were several neighbor kids who wanted to play with Eli and Zoey.  This was/is a big deal for Zoey since I am homeschooling her and she loves being with other kids, but also our new yard is very small so the kids have nowhere to play, but now they can play in the neighbor's yard.  Praise God for His goodness and kindness!

Flying kites with our neighbors

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