15 August, 2012

Back Home!

We really enjoyed our time in South Africa getting to visit several different malls, watching two movies in 3D, seeing friends from our training in Zambia (& meeting new friends), even visiting McDonald's on a number of occasions!  We also went to a really cool bird show with a zoo.  We also enjoyed getting to know our supervisors and other wonderful people with our company!  God has really blessed us so much through the IMB & the people we get to work with!  
Zoey with Tim in the bird aviary
However, we were all very excited (& ready) to get back to Mada!  The kids were very happy to get to play with their toys that they left behind and to see Rina (our guard).  We were welcomed home by 4 packages sent from family & friends—what a wonderful blessing that made us feel so loved!  

Playing at 'Jimmy Jungles!'
Ruth, Eli & Zoey spent 2 months in South Africa, so they have only been in Mada for about a month overall—how crazy!  Our time in South Africa was fun & such a blessing; but it also spoiled us since life there is very similar to life in the states with malls, restaurants, movie theaters and huge grocery stores.  Now, our family is adjusting to life with a newborn and living in Madagascar, all over again.  Living life here just takes a lot longer (all the more so with a newborn). 
  • Please pray that we will adjust to life here again and be thankful always and for everything (Eph. 5:20)!
Andy started language school again August 14 and Ruth will hopefully be returning next week.  We are excited to be studying Malagasy again, but please keep us in your prayers. 
  • Please pray that we will remember what we have learned and be able to start where we left off. 
  • Also, please pray that Ruth will be able to get more sleep so that she can have the energy she needs to study the language.  Alleluia will be with Ruth when she starts back: please pray that this will not be too much of a distraction.

Alleluia is such a wonderful gift & blessing to our family!  Eli & Zoey simply adore their baby sister and Andy & I are pretty fond of her too.  We think she looks a lot like her brother, but still has some features just her own.  We are so thankful that she is eating, sleeping, & growing really well!

Eli & Zoey are enjoying the warmer weather, since it is springtime here!  They can’t wait to be able to go swimming or run through a sprinkler (a homemade one that is).  However, they have been really missing our families in the US & their old friends. 
Please pray for God’s comfort for them and for us to know how to be there for them during these times!

 As many of y’all prepare for school to start again, we are preparing for Eli & Zoey to start French school on September 4th!  We are excited for this opportunity for them to learn French and for them to make some new friends, but Ruth is also a little anxious for this new transition.  Eli (& Zoey to a lesser extent) have been learning some basic French from a kid’s book & Rosetta Stone®, so we hope this helps their transition to be a little smoother! 

  • Please pray that God would bless them with understanding teachers, that the language would come easily, and that they would make some great friends! 
  • Also please pray that we would not be anxious but that we would trust the Lord & His plan for their lives. 
Be on the look out for a prayer calendar with our different people groups.  Please pray about committing to praying ~20 days each month for our people groups.