Lamentations 3:32-33
“but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion
according to the abundance of his steadfast love; for
he does not willingly afflict or grieve the children of men.”
When God created us, He created us
for one purpose: to worship Him, to bring glory to His wonderful name. John Piper says it this way, “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't.”
I agree with that statement, but what I didn’t know before becoming a missionary was that true worship is not easier when you become a missionary. Sure there are days that we can truly and easily worship our Savior because of His glory and goodness revealed, but then I must confess there are many other days that we personally become distracted by our own griefs or grievances of this other life. We grieve over our distance from family and friends, we grieve over all the many transitions that we & our kids must endure, not to mention the grievances we have from lack of many modern conveniences that we were accustomed to. All of these things become greatly magnified when we struggle often with sickness, experience loss, and encounter the enemy’s attacks. We become weary, tired and homesick.
I say all that to say that we have
had real struggles with these things, but our desire remains the same, we want
to glorify God and some day we want to see our people groups gathered around
His throne worshiping our Savior.
pray that we would truly worship our Savior in spirit and in truth no matter
what path He has for us.
pray that our grief would be used for His glory.
pray that our knees would become sore because of the time spent together in
We don’t pretend to understand
Job’s suffering, but please use this verse to pray for us at this time:
Job 3:10b “‘Shall we accept good from God, and not
trouble?’ In all this, Job did not sin in what he said.”
Please know that we are very much aware that all of you have your own struggles and
sorrows and we would be honored to help carry the burden with you. Even though we can’t walk with you in person,
we would love to uplift you in prayer.
Please tell us how we can pray for you!