As things stand now, we will be going to serve among the people of Madagascar sometime in 2011! Our role is to use my skills as a Physician to open areas where many people are unreached (have never heard of Jesus or the Gospel). Our goal is plant churches that will then plant churches. Appointment could happen as early as November, 2010! However we would likely not leave for a few months after this due to orientation.
Some big things need to happen in order for all of this to take place. Please be in prayer for:
- Our house to sell. It has been on the market for about a month now, but still no offers. We need to have a contract on the house by early October in order to be appointed in November.
- My grant application to be approved with MedSend. MedSend is an organization that enables healthcare professionals to serve overseas by making their monthly student loan payments while they serve.
- Ruth's medical clearance to be approved. Due to her scoliosis the IMB is being extra cautious (which is a good thing) to make sure that her scoliosis won't worsen by moving to Madagascar. Ruth's Doctor and the IMB Doctor seem to be saying the same things but using different words (I hope that makes sense).
- Mountains of paperwork to be finished! The kids both need passports, there is always more paperwork to fill out for the IMB, MedSend, etc... Please pray that we keep it all straight and don't go insane!
Grace & Peace!
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